No Client Contract Title Job Details Contract Type Turnaround (TA) / Shutdown Contract or Job Duration / Year
1 Malaysian Refining Company Sdn Bhd Site Service Contractor - Piping Work for Euro-5 Plant Project (DELIMA) Piping fabrication and installation work PCC Non-TA 2020
2 Malaysian Refining Company Sdn Bhd EPCC of Service Water Replacement at Unit 51 & 52 Service water piping header replacement work at Utility Units EPCC Non-TA 2020
3 Petronas Provision of Minor Construction and Modification works for Petronas (Onshore) Plant modification projects for all Petronas plants, depot, terminals in Peninsular Malaysia EPCC & PCC TA & Non-TA 2019-2024
4 Malaysian Refining Company Sdn Bhd Provision of Term Contract for Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning Assistance of PSR-2 Plant Modification Projects Heat Exchangers Replacement, Piping Modification, Steel Structure Modification, Electrical and Instrumentation Work. MRCSB TA2019 – PCD(M) EPCC TA 2018-2020
5 Malaysian Refining Company Sdn Bhd Refinery Asset Rejuvenation 3 (RESET), Phase 1 Vessels Replacement, Actuated Valves Replacement, Piping Replacement, Coke Conveyor Replacement, Jetty Rail Replacement, Painting Work during MRCSB TA2019 – RESET Project EPCC TA 2019
6 Petronas Gas Berhad Stack Repair and Bellow Expansion joint Replacement for Gas Processing Plant, Santong Repair of stack internal lining SS304 and replacement of stack bellow expansion joint. PCC TA 2019
7 Petronas Penapisan Terengganu Sdn Bhd Term Contract for Project Construction Services at PP(T)SB Steel Structure Tower Installation, Tie-ins work for Black Condy Project during PPTSB TA2019 PCC TA 2018-2019
8 Petronas Chemicals Ethylene Sdn Bhd Provision of General Mechanical Works for Fabrication and Installation of Piping Integrity Program Enhancement (PIPE) at PCESB (Phase 1) Supply, delivery installation, testing and commissioning assistance of plant modification projects which include mechanical and piping works (Pre-TA, TA and Post TA works) PCC TA 2017-2018
9 Malaysian Refining Company Sdn Bhd / Chiyoda Malaysia Sdn Bhd Malaysian Crude Oil Project Installation of new crude charge pump. HV switchgears (Schneider) and cables laying from substation to pump. Piping work - suction and pump discharge line. Micro piling work for pump foundation. Pump Shelter, pipe rack and pipe support fabrication and installation. PCC Non-TA 2017-2018
10 Petronas Gas Berhad Pipe Supports and Spring Hanger replacement work at Tanjung Sulong Export Terminal Repair and replacement of pipe supports, variable spring hangers and constant spring hangers. PCC Non-TA 2018
11 Petronas Gas Berhad Acid Gas Incinerator (AGI) air preheater repair (APH) Repair Repair of APH and Burner for AGI PCC Shutdown 2018
12 Petronas Chemicals MTBE Sdn Bhd PCC of Limau Purut Project Installation of two units of vertical suction Pumps. Cable laying and HV Switchgear work. Micropiling for pump foundation. Pump foundation work and pipe rack modification. Process piping and fire fighting facilities. PCC Non-TA 2017-2018
13 Malaysian Refining Company Sdn Bhd DCU / AFC and Piping Installation Supply, delivery fabrication, installation, testing and commissioning assistance of replacement of damaged piping and steel structures during PSR-2 DCU plant emergency Shutdown. PCC Shutdown 2017
14 Petronas Chemicals Group Provision of Panel Contractors for Minor Construction Work for all Petrochemical Plants in Peninsular Malaysia Plant modification projects which involved piping, civil, steel structures, mechanical equipment, electrical and instrumentation work. PCC TA & Non-TA 2016-2019
15 Petronas Penapisan Melaka Sdn Bhd Procurement, Fabrication, Construction and Commissioning for CDU2/VDU Heat Recovery (PINCH) Project Replacement of all pipings for 11 units of Heat Exhangers in CDU2 unit during Plant Shutdown. PCC Shutdown 2016
16 Petronas Penapisan Terengganu Sdn Bhd EPCC P3 Hammering Rectification at PPTSB Design and engineering, construction, testing and commisioning for process, piping, mechanical (pressure vessel and pump), civil, steel structure, electrical and instrumentation work. EPCC Non-TA 2015-2016
17 Petronas MLNG Bintulu Provision of Pipe Support Modification and Miscellaneous Work for MLNG Acid Gas Removal Unit (AGRU) Replacement of pump suction headers 14” for 9 units of pumps in Module 1, 2 and 3 during Plant Shutdown. Removal and reinstallation of heat exchanger tube bundles during Plant Shutdown. Replacement and strengthening of steel structures for Module 1, 2 and 3. EPCC of 12 units of filter vessels. EPCC & PCC TA & Non-TA 2013-2015
18 Petronas Penapisan Melaka Sdn Bhd Term Contract for the Provision of Construction and Pre-commissioning Works for Plant Modification Projects at PP(M)SB Plant modification projects which involved piping, civil, steel structures, mechanical equipment, electrical and instrumentation work. PCC TA & Non-TA 2013-2015
19 Petronas Penapisan Melaka Sdn Bhd Term Contract for the Provision of Construction and Pre-commissioning Works for Minor Plant Modification Projects at PP(M)SB Plant modification projects which involved piping, civil, steel structures, mechanical equipment, electrical and instrumentation work. PCC TA & Non-TA 2012-2013
20 Petronas Dagangan Berhad EPCC of Sampling System for PDB Prai Terminal Design and engineering, construction, testing and commisioning for piping, sampling tanks - 11 units, pumps - 11 units,civil and steel structure work. EPCC Non-TA 2012-2013
21 Petronas Chemicals MTBE Sdn Bhd Replacement Steam Turbine to HV/LV Electric Motors for 12 units of Pumps Removal of existing drivers and dismantling of steam piping. Installation of HV and LV motor, alignment, levelling with pump. Pump skid modification. Excavation of trench, lay new cables, installation of motor, termination, testing and commissioning. PCC TA 2012
22 Petronas Dagangan Berhad EPCC of Bunkering facility and fire fighting system for PDB Pasir Gudang Depot Design and engineering, construction, testing and commisioning for process, piping, mechanical (diesel pump, fire water pump), fire water tank, civil, steel structure, electrical and instrumentation work. EPCC Non-TA 2012
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